
Son of Rambow

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 we watched Son of Rambow (2008) and made Vietnamese food off the kiddie menu: Sloppy Baos (Vietnamese sandwich with spicy curry beef and mango)

Given that I waited until the last possible second to write this post, my memory might fail me as to the details of this particular film. I will try my best.

The film is a story about two unlikely friends. Will Proudfoot is growing up with "the Brethren" a religious group with restricted involvement with the outside world (no tv!). Lee Carter is a problem child with a knack for getting into trouble and whose parents leave him in the charge of a bully of a bigger brother most of the time. (One of my favorite scenes occurs in the first few minutes of the film where Lee Carter finds a ball and delinquintly whips it at an unknowing neighbor's head just because they were there.)

As much as Will Proudfoot tries to avoid it, he meets Lee Carter and is swiftly dragged into a series of bad deeds eventually leading to his viewing First Blood: Rambo. Obsessed (as any boy who had never seen any television before would be with the savagery of this film) Will and Lee Carter decide to make their own film that combines Lee Carter's taste for violence with Will Proudfoot's vivid imagination that he usually reveals through drawing. Eventually the whole school wants to join in (including Didier the incredibly popular French exchange student who dresses like Michael Jackson) and Will rises to the top of the popularity charts eventually leaving his only friend behind.
In the end, the two friends finish the film and reconcile their friendship-awe!!

The film had some amazing visuals from dramatically exaggerated stunts to a mix of reality and drawings. Very Cool.

The dinner was super duper delicious. Nothing else to say except you must make this recipe.

Ratings: Movie = 3.5, Dinner = 4.75

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