
Uncle Buck

December 30, 2008 (my 28th birthday) we watched Uncle Buck (1989), which happens to be my favorite movie of all time, and we made giant pancake-cakes! "You should see the toast. I couldn't even get it through the door."

When Bob and Cindy Russell (with that hair!!) have to leave town for a family emergency, they are left with no alternative but to call in Bob's brother, Buck (John Candy), to baby-sit. A jobless, lifelong bachelor with a heart of gold, Buck hardly seems the ideal baby-sitter. Charged with caring for his smart-mouthed teenage niece, Tia, and her two outspoken younger siblings, Maisy and Miles (or is it Larry and Jennifer?), Buck finds himself learning how to survive in suburbia and parent at the same time. At first Buck doesn't even know how many times a day to feed the dog, much less the kids. He battles the washing machine and sends Miles to school with an utterly inedible bag lunch. But little by little Buck begins to take his responsibility seriously, putting the needs of his nieces and nephew before his own, earning their love and respect. With any luck, his newfound familial instincts will help him win back his estranged girlfriend, Chanice (Amy Madigan), who is tired of his refusal to commit to marriage.

We used pancake mix from Whole Foods (365 brand) which my mom swears is the best. However, one must remember ALL of the ingredients! So, after Corinne took over the batter production the pancakes were amazing! We made them as large as the largest pans we had. Of course, we had to have some bacon and to healthify-fruit salad. To end it all: yogurt parfaits!

In attendance: Lindsey, Barb, Eric, Corinne, Laurie, Stacy, Evert, Dan, and Janette

Ratings: Movie = 4.625 stars, Dinner = 4 stars

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